Freedom251: will it deliver its promise

Ringing bells a Noida based start up announced   cheapest smartphone on India or world  as Freedom 251 with unbelievable specifications covering Android lollilop OS,with 4inch  IPS display and with 3.2 MP Rear camera and 3MP front camera.Leaving above all the specifications the main USP is its pricing Rs 250 .Its the pricing which has caused storm in market.Freedom 251 has  now a record breaking booking and website crashing but these are positives but there are some questions which create doubts

1.Make in India claim:Freedom 251 is claimed to be India’s cheapest phone with a tag of Make in India concept but  the phone as I understand is from a Chinese manufacturer .So how come it is Make In India.Altough the company has claimed that it would be start up manufacturing facility in India but that’s does not suffice that it is Make In India

2.Credentials of Ringing Bells:Ringing bells a Noida based start up which has very less experience in Electronics .Being a start up  it would be to early to say its promises on specifications and quality of phone that  it will deliver.Even though founders of the company claim  that the  business model is  example of disruptive innovation and it is unique

3.Claim of Cheapest smartphone:There is no  second thoughts in this .Among the present smartphones in market Freedom 251 is the cheapest.But before 251 the the cheapest smatphone costs around 1500 bucks but now it has been drastically reduced to 250 bucks but with specs of Freedom 250 it would cost around 3000 to 4000rs.So experts and analysts are questioning the model  and the operations of ringing bells .

4.Immediate change of strategy:Post the announcement of Freedom 250.The news become viral and the website crashed with unprecedented bookings. Now there are rumours about probable cheat from BPO firm and also company has stopped booking phones in website and also reports are coming from corners that company would refund all payments of pre booking made online .It will accept payments only through Cash on Delivery.This creates a big question mark on trust of Freedom 251.

Freedom 251  should not go in the roads of Nano  and Aakash .Nano and Aakash  tablet during inception created lot of buzz and many claimed that they would change the face of the respective industry but eventually they were not able to met expectations of public  and failed to meet the promises


  1. Yes, definitely the hike for this phone through the social medias. The article about this medium is really impressive. Thanks a lot for the share.

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