
Showing posts from March, 2014

App Testing :Toughest and most important for a successful app

Google created new OS called Android .Google thought with Android it can give good run for money for Apple Ios.But actually it surpassed all speculations .Actually it created new line of business.From Friyo to the latest Kitkat android journey is not less than miracle.Only 3 years into market anroid has become buzz word in today technology.Primarily targeted for Touch screen or say to say smart phone handsets android is not less than revoloution.The factors which makes and andriod most famous are low cost , customizable and open source for high tech devices.Android  is one of the core factor which has contributed to the surpassing of mobile phone users over PC users.This has created new demand for creating for various apps.In Google play store there are 1 million apps present in todays time.This shows the kind of demand of apps  that is present in today’s tech market.It has become high priority of app developers to ensure quality of apps that go into play store. As OEM’s