Knowledge Management not as practice but as Process Area

For any organization  assets  will be resources and data they possess.Most of the data which is present in organization  is in unorganized form.Studies say that most of the data that is present in organizations is in a unorganized way.This unorganized data is considered precious.So in that aspect Knowledge management becomes a very important .Companies now not only look Knowledge management  as practice to be followed but as a process area.So considering this as process area a huge challenge comes of converting the disorganized data to the organized form.Some of the tips that we should follow in order to improve Knowledge management are:-

1. Open House sessions:-Open House sessions is means of sharing of knowledge with other set of people on latest topics.These topics can be usage of tool,practices  followed,successful methodology adopted or innovative solution to particular problem.Since  organizations work  on cutting edge technology and shorter product development lifecycles  Open House sessions become handy as experiences of particular methodology is shared. 

2.Yellow pages:-It is considered we are so much busy and we get lost in our projects very often and we have do not have time to interact,dicsuss problems or issues faced in project.In that case yellow pages will play a very relieving role.This yellow pages is a kind of subject matter list  for a particular domain or technology.This SME’s can be  technical architects,project managers  and tech leads .They can always give expert opinions and suggest measures which would be helpful.Corporate yellow pages would be like Domain directory where project members can interact, discuss consult  and have expert opinion on the issues faced

3.Issue FAQ: Software projects executed a now days are  full of challenges like tight budgets,cutting edge technology and client expectations.Slippages and overruns leads to dissatisfaction and trust breakage and consequences are not good for the organization or its team members.Let me elaborate , tight budgets; so PM cannot invest money in  arranging training as cost is involved  and if that particular project is running in Agile mode  with freshers excuting it then slippages and overruns  are bound to happen.In that case Issue FAQ may come handy.As in any website when we are browsing where there are answers for the Frequently asked questions(FAQ) .Similarly FAQ can be prepared for sa particular tool,practice ,methodology or how did we overcome to impending issues.This FAQ’s can be prepared by experienced technical architects  and can be uploaded in Knowledge repository linking to Organizations ERP’ which would enable project teams to resolve issue at much faster pace

Even though recorded webinars,seminars and conferences always give lot of information.But above practices should also be followed for a organization becoming knowledgeable   


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