Satyamev jayate :an eye opener

Well entertainment is a form of medium of informing people and also making them happy.Television,Radio and Cinemas have done fantastic job in this regard.Television is no longer a small medium rather it is one of the biggest medium .When “satyamev jayate “ promos where on air nobody had a clue what kind of show would it be.Whether it would be a dance show?chat  show?music show? Fiction show etc.Most importantly the timing of show was so unfamiliar and peculiar.There were apprehensions  whether it could be successful  or whether it will be able to grab audiences or not.

Well so to say Satyamev jayate is in its 8 week and it has done fantastic job in enlighten people about microscopic but serious issues.Issues like Female foetcicde,child labour,malpractices in health care,untouchability etc.Aamir khan has hit the nail by pointing out serious issues which are harmful to our society.People weep and breakdown while reciting their horror stories and trauma that they faced.

Issues raised by Satyamev jayate

Each episode ends with a question asking a solution to be implemented or practice should be stopped etc.Its a irony that there are simpler,cheaper and better solutions to these issues but hesitate to accept it.Satyamev jayate has yielded nearly 30 lakh donations which is such a huge amount and also signifies the reach it has done.Each week audiences are tuned in with lots of curiosity to watch “Satyamev jayate”.


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