Open Souce Code contamination

Software development has grown at rapid pace.The timelines are squeezed and product lifecycles are trimmed and the need for ready made solutions has come into picture.There are ready made solutions/code available present  for almost every component in internet.It makes the life of developer quite easy as he can access those codes and use it for this purpose.The code is freely available and open without any hurdles.But wait whatever which is free in market is it ok to use? Are there any implications if we use those open code? Is there any risks involved if we use the open code.

The answer is no what ever is available in market ,just like that we cannot take it and use it for project purpose.To typically define Open source code means Source code available under terms that allow for modification and redistribution without having to pay the original author. It may have restrictions such as requirements related to attributions, copyright statement preservation, providing a written offer, to make source code available, or others.

There are various open source licenses available in market such as GPL,LGPL,MPL,BSD and MIT which are popular.80% of open code available in internet  is GPL which comes under GNU organization.There are rules and obligations present in GPL which makes it quite complicated.In all the licenses a software development team should focus on 3 questions:-

1.Can Change license type of derived work?
2.Can sell derived work?
3.Can own the derived work?

The development team has to go through the license obligations,terms and conditions to come to a conclusion on above questions and make relavent judgements on the usage of code in their products


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