Why MBA has lost its charm?

Recently in newspapers and media you see lot of articles are flown in the media that MBA are hired less .Only 10% of MBA graduates are hired to the corporate sector.What’s the reason behind this .It has been mentioned that because of more no of MBA colleges .Lot of MBA colleges  have come up in all over India.That’s the prime reason mentioned in the article .To an extent I do not agree with this article .The reason is there is lot of engineering colleges all over India but the demand for engineering graduates has not increased or decreased .There is stability of demand in corporate sector for engineering students.

The main reason or root cause is not because of more no of colleges .Firstly,MBA course curriculum has to change .MBA means  presentations, attention to detail,analysis friendly and specially one should have common sense.MBA as name says it talks about business and the fact is business cannot be taught it has to experienced  so MBA acts as a enabler in building the attitude and making person ready for any business situations in life.If you notice in the above line  I mentioned that MBA helps in building attitude not skills.In MBA hardly there is skill enhancement it teaches you to how to deal with different business situations.But in our universities the course curriculum,case studies taught is almost outdated.You cannot teach 90’s case studies in 2013.Business and markets are very dynamic ,volatile  & subjective to change.Similarly MBA couse curriculum should also change frequently in order to meet the expectations of corporate.Secondly, business  is all about practicality there is no theory in business.Marketing specialization in MBA cannot be taught in classroom unless a person sells a product/service in market he/she cannot understand marketing.Ironically marketing is taught in our classrooms  and students do not get the truth of ground reality.Not only marketing in all specializations story is the same.Thirdly,MBA means business and business is all about common sense and sadly common sense is the least found in human beings now a days.

To get hired into management profile only MBA does not cater to the requirement .The person should be more informed,knowledgable ready to take challenges.He/She should be updated with latest happenings in business environment.His/her mind should always be practical and analytical and most important is he should be cool like cucumber under pressure.


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